Here you'll find suggestions of books, board games, (as long as you have power generator - wind, sun or motion) movies...
Here are a few suggestions:
IsurvivalSkills @isurvivalskills FM 21-76 SURVIVAL MANUAL for starters ;-) download it here
Zombie Hit-Man @ZombieHitMan Books-zombie survival guide, primitive skills and crafts,urban survival guide,when all hell breaks loose.....guns guns guns water water water ;) |
Zombie Guide Tips @ZombieGuideTips
For books: educational/survival and games should be all strategy based to practice keeping a sharp mind... &cards!!
Head Zombie @ZombieGifts
Games: We like "Give Me The Brain"… "Zombie Dice"… & Zombie DeskTop Bowling…
Books: u can't go wrong w/ The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks:
Maria Olsen @mariaolsen66
Horror Actor, Writer, Producer and Director -
Zombie Clue - Mr Ghastly-Green in the basement with the baseball bat! :D
Alienwear Apparel @AlienwearAppare
Improvised Explosives: How to make your own, US Army Survival Guide, Grow Your Own Food Books, Mini Weapon Creation Book, and Cook Books.
Shooter video games like Resistance and COD for indoor
target practice along with dart boards, playing cards would also be very
Improvised Explosives: How to make your own, US Army Survival Guide, Grow Your Own Food Books, Mini Weapon Creation Book, and Cook Books.
Davey twitter: @sam_holly Books suggestions: 1st: Zombie Survival Guide - Max Brooks, 2nd: The Stand - Stephen King and 3rd: Work!Consume!Die! - Frankie Boyle |
b0neZ twitter: @b0neZ
Books: "Any title by William Gibson (@GreatDismal), games, dunno."
Zombie Research @ZombieResearch
Book: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Zombies.…
Jason Ashworth @jalanash"Books about robot programming, games w/hardware&electronics+tons of DVDs-to build a disc throwing robot to decap. them!"
jamie 'JIG' tuffen @jamieJIGtuffen "Well a few good zombie books are as followed....The Apocalypse Room by Simon Neilson. Its more of a short story but its an excellent one. Hes also got another one due out soon called Kaleb which is going to be fantastic. Julianne Snows Days with the Undead is also very good. The usual Walking Dead graphic novels are pretty awesome too. And I like the Autumn books too. Theres 4 of them and there fantastic. Also aftereffects: Zombie Therapy by Zane Bradey. all very very good reads. Game wise.......where do I start ;) pretty much all the Resident Evil games rock. The Left4dead games, and my favorite zombie game.....Dead Island." |
Rick @EvolvedRick
"I'd go with a simple pack of playing cards (so many games to play with them) and a set of Douglas Adams books"
Tom C @tomsonlocal
"A hundred times this box, it may be the coolest thing I possess… : The Zombie Tarot: an Oracle of the Undead "
Irene @Swaggerene1
Flesh Eaters by Joe McKinney and Best New Zombie Tales Trilogy-James Roy Daley
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