Welcome to Alive with Zombies, zombies from A to Z.

A site on perpetual construction about how to survive among zombies and remain safe and happy...

for as long as it is humanly possible!

Tips about what to grow, eat, store, construct ...

Ideas to create your own garden - food and therapy! Learn here how to protect yourself, your house, and to fight back those weirdo Zombies!


Cool websites, interesting blogs and zombie related links!
Preppers / Survivalism / Information / Garden / Zombies 

- Online Zombie Magazine - survival guide, entertainment, ingectious fiction, zombusters, recorded attacks.

I.N.C.H. Survival 
 - Prepper talk, handy survival information! Garden, security bug out tips...
site: http://inchsurvival.com
twitter: https://twitter.com/INCHSurvival

Survivalist Mind: Survival is a mindset! 
- All you need to know; how to be prepared to survive, water/food/security/shelter
site: http://www.survivalistmind.com/
twitter: https://twitter.com/SurvivalistM 

Bushcraft and Survival Skills

- bushcraft/ survival skills / emergency preparedness - Great reviews, tips will help you survive!
site: http://isurvivalskills.blogspot.com
twitter: https://twitter.com/isurvivalskills

Using your instinct to survive

Blog Bloke
- Blogging/ technology / social web - Information is never too much during an apocalypse!
site: http://www.blogbloke.com/
twitter: https://twitter.com/BLOGBloke

The Zurvivalist
- 10 minute podcast where everyday people are interviewed about how they would survive the Zombie Apocalypse.
site: http://zurvivalist.com/
twitter: https://twitter.com/KZOMRadio

Mid Continent Paranormal Research Society- MCPRS
- hauntings/ cryptozoology/ ufology - all those creepy stuff!
site: http://www.midcontinentparanormal.com/
twitter: https://twitter.com/mcparanormalrs

Great Dreams
- Basic list of suggested items for long term survival
site: http://www.greatdreams.com/basic.htm

Zombie Apocalypse Survivalists
- A great source for ideas, survival tips, DIY projects and much more. Great site!
site: http://www.zombieapocalypsesurvivalists.com/  
tiwtter: https://twitter.com/ZASurvivalists

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